Sunday 6 December 2009

Week 8- Morphic resonance

Western philosophers, from Plato to Aristotle to Alfred North Whitehead, have promulgated the ideas that form exists independently of substance and that there are perfect, unchanging forms in an eternal domain beyond the reach of human senses. This idea can be likened to the architect's blueprint which exists independently of and prior to the building of the house. It is the blueprint which informs the builder where to place what type of materials.

"Blueprint" is the role that DNA and its messenger RNA play. But are they the complete information system for creating the human mind/body? Rupert Sheldrake, biological scientist, believes there is another information system of equal important to DNA-RNA.

Sheldrake proposes that higher-level fields organize and coordinate the various lower-level fields of which they are composed.
According to the organismic theory, systems or 'organisms' are hierarchically organized at all levels of complexity...These systems as morphic units...or *holons, are defined as a self-regulating open system which display both the autonomous properties of wholes and the dependent properties of parts. At each level the *holons are wholes containing parts, which are themselves wholes containing whole *holons, and so on. The following diagram could represent subatomic panicles in atoms, in molecules, or in crystals, for example; or cells in tissues, in organs, in organisms. (1) (See diagram below.)

Thus, morphogenetic fields have a dynamic, interactive relationship with their physical counterparts and are ever changing and evolving fields of information for form, behavior and mental activities. In addition, the fields are passed from generation to generation just as the genetic code is passed from parent to child.

Hereditary behavior, like hereditary form, is influenced by genes, but is neither "genetic" nor "genetically programmed." Under the hypothesis of formative causation, characteristic patterns are organized by morphic fields, which are inherited by morphic resonance from past members of the same species. (2)

Thus, from the Point of view of the hypothesis of formative causation, there is only a difference of degree between instincts and habits: both depend on morphic resonance, the former from countless previous individuals of the same species, and the latter from past states of the same individual. (3)

Here we can see that the personal morphogenetic field is a memory bank for behavioral programs, beliefs, feelings, operational rules and the designs of the physical form "which interacts with the nervous system and plays a role similar to the program or software in the computer." (3)

With Sheldrake's allusion to the programming of a computer (see diagram below) we have come full circle to our introduction and to our suggestion that the techniques of Geotrantm are capable of eliminating and correcting self-destructive behaviors, thoughts and feelings by changing the information in the personal morphogenetic field.

The most important qualities of fields to Circles of Life are as follows:
a field is a state of space rather than of matter;
a field generates matter;
a field connects events in space;
a field organizes growth and determines form;
a field can store memories, behaviors, beliefs and feelings;
a field can be reprogrammed.

(1)Sheldrake,R. The Presence of the Past. p. 90. Park Street Press. Vermont.
(2)Sheldrake,R. The Presence of the Past. p. 155. Park Street Press. Vermont.
(3)Sheldrake,R. The Presence of the Past. p. 211. Park Street Press. Vermont.

*holon:A holon (Greek: holos, "whole") is something that is simultaneously a whole and a part.

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